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How can you start your own OT Side Hustle in 2022?

"The BIGGEST online networking live virtual conference of 2022"

September 10th and 11th


Learn about 10 ways to make money online from over 30 online creators & get started with your online revenue stream by Monday!


OT Online Side Hustle and Beyond  

Reserve your seat today, spaces are limited.

Join the Waitlist

Dear Friend,

Are you feeling like your OT career is up in the air?

If you've ever thought...


...then you might need to increase your knowledge.

You're unsure how OTs are making extra money on the side, you may even have a business background, but when it comes to online side hustles, you don't know where to begin.

There's so much going on right now with COVID-19 and it's impossible to know when it's really going to end. You know that you need to get involved with making money online right away!

But you feel stuck. Next thing you know, you're thinking...


I understand, because I've been there.

My name is Reina Olivera and I needed to find a way to provide for my family while being able to be a stay-at-home mom.

I had recently started my private practice, but it wasn't taking off as fast as I needed it to. At the same time, I had just lost my "secure" hospital job, due to a complicated pregnancy.

All of a sudden, I had a lot of time to reflect on what I wanted and needed for my family...for the precious, delicate baby that I was growing in my belly.

After getting on calls with 10 business coaches and speaking to dozens of entrepreneurs, I was finally learning things that school didn't teach me.

It worked.

I created 2 sources of online income and I was hooked!

I kept networking with other Occupational Therapists, my private practice was taking off AND the side hustle was booming! I established by social media presence and I was getting paid speaking engagements left and right.


To say that I love my online work would be an extreme understatement.

I recently attended a business conference and that's when I realized something was off. I was not sharing what I was learning with other Occupational Therapy practitioners. I know OTs and OTAs have so much knowledge and so much potential, yet I wasn't helping as many people as I could.

Last year, I connected with so many OT practitioners who are making online and I knew that if I reached out to each and every one of them, that they would back me up on my new mission on getting everyone in on these online gigs.

So that's exactly what I did. I reached out to over 60 OTs and OTAs who are more than willing to spill their secrets to

Making Money Online.

Hey <Insert Online OT Genius>!

I have a question for you and I'd love to know your answer.

If you were starting out as a student or professional therapist wanting to work as an Online OT 2022...

What steps would you take to expand your knowledge, increase your professional network, and start making money online?

Kind regards,
Reina Olivera


OT Online
Side Hustle
and Beyond
Virtual Conference ticket


Network with experienced entrepreneurs


be inspired


Start your own online side hustle


have the freedom to work from home!

Join the Waitlist!


If you're an occupational therapist who wants to make an income online, you're in the right place.

You are completely fed up with your current OT position and you’re looking for the perfect opportunity to walk into your boss’ office and say “I quit!” (maybe that’s a little extreme, but you at least want to start making passive income). 

The problem isn’t necessarily that you don’t have an idea, because we all know OTs are creative beings. The problem is that you don't know how to get started. 


All of the panelists of the OT Online Side Hustle and Beyond have been exactly where you are and they have all come together to help YOU! They will be sharing their experiences with making money online. Telling you exactly what’s worked and what hasn’t. 

We’re going to guide you with those first steps and get you well on your way to making passive income. If you’re really serious about wanting to make money online, you’ll start NOW!


Topics to be covered...

Coaching & consulting

Selling digital & physical products


Online course creation


Writing a book

Conferences / summits

...and more!


How It Works

At the top of every hour we will start discussing a new topic. 2-5 panelists will participate in a group interview followed by a breakout session, where you will get to ask all of your questions.



Saturday, September 10th

9am EST - Keynote Address

-Greg Todd, Smart Success Healthcare

10:15am EST - Digital Downloads
-Amy Baez,Playapy

-Krupa Kuruvilla, Total Report


11:15am EST - Online Course for OTs
-Meg Proctor, Learn, Play Thrive

-Marika Austin, Bearfoot OT

-Darian Roberts, The Lactation OT

-Lindsey Vestal, Functional Pelvis


12:15pm EST - Memberships
-Jessica Lopez, OT Genius

-Hoang Tran, Hand Therapy Secrets

-Megan Berg, Therapy Insights


1:15pm EST - Coaching
-Carlyn Neek, Activate Vitality

-Lorena Hawkins, Advocating for Seniors

-Krysta Rives, OTA Coach

-Polly Brennan, Adventurous Coaching


2:15pm EST - Consultations
-Linda Alchami, Approtch

-Marlee and Alexi, Sense-ational Spaces

-Rose Stella, Ms. Rose's Theraplace

3:15pm EST - Closing

Sunday, September 11th

9am EST - Opening

9:15am EST - Books
-Sabrina Adair, Enabling Adaptations

-Bunty McDougall, The Happy Handwriter

-Kokeb McDonald, Reflex Integration Through Play (RITP)

10:15am EST - Online Course for Patients
-Jacqueline Roberman-Glyn, MOTion SpOT

-Katie Crosby, Thriving Littles

11:15am EST - Summit/Conference
-Patrice Maynard, Maynard Milestones

-Kara Welke, Next Level OT

-Nancy Yamoah, LovelyyOT

-Alvin Pineda, OT Outside the Box

-Raheema Hemraj, Rehab Tech Summit

12:15pm EST - Physical Products
-Mimi, OT Passport

-Mandy King, Mediwrap

-Katie O'Day, Visual Activity Sort

-Meghan Fox, Woo Therapy

-Helene Thau Lieberman, Kid Connections Therapy Services

1:15pm EST - Online Course Creation
- Reina Olivera, Telehealth OT Services

2:15pm EST - YouTubers
-Adam Griffin, Adam the OT

-Lindsay DeLong, EquipMeOT

3:15pm EST - Closing

Join Us Now!



How much is my investment?


OT Online Side Hustle and Beyond is not free, but it will show you all of the possibilities you desire to become independent of your full time job. It's not a monthly membership program or a subscription to your state association.


It's a small investment in yourself that will create a huge profit for your future.


One that will pay you back for the rest of your career, by letting you make a difference in the world...all the while obtaining work/life balance.


It will give you the freedom to quit your job and take control of your financial destiny at the fraction of the cost of a full business program (which can cost tens of thousands of dollars).


When you compare all of that against the investment and how it could change your life, then it's an easy decision.



Purchase OT Online Side Hustle and Beyond
Conference Ticket


Network with amazing OT entrepreneurs
ask them all of your questions


Start your own online business
gain the freedom and flexibility you've been waiting for.


Nothing will work if you sit there at home just wishing for more money and more time


We were all scared and nervous one day, but what sets us apart is that we took ACTION!


If you're ready to take action today, this is the best investment you can make for yourself.


It's either this or booking a coaching call with some of the speakers at around $200/per hour. Talking to over 50 speakers could cost you over $10,000!


Attending the OT Online Side Hustle and Beyond Virtual Conference costs $350

Sign up for this 2-day live virtual conference today!

Join the Waitlist!

What attendees said about the conference last year!


What type of event is this? 

This is the biggest OT networking event of the year!!! The one that will set you on the path to financial and time freedom, so that you can have a better work/life balance.

Is this only for OTs or is it for OTAs too? What about students?

Anyone interested in using occupational therapy skills to make money online is invited to this event.

Will I learn HOW to have an online business? 

The speakers will be sharing all the information on what's worked and what hasn't in their online business. They will be sharing the steps and all the ins and outs of being an online creator and entrepreneur. Get ready to take lots of notes!

What if I can't sit online for 2 full days?

This is the true test of whether or not you're cut out for the online entrepreneur life...just kidding. You are welcome to step away and take a break as needed. We will be providing a call-in number if you want to be in listen-only mode. Also, you can pick and choose which type of online business appeals to you more and make sure you attend those sessions.

It's time to start using your expertise and creativity to take control of your financial destiny!


Sign up for the OT Online Side Hustle and Beyond Virtual Conference today!

Join the Waitlist!